Granite is one of those interesting Indian natural stones found in the earth’s continental crust.

Great interior and exterior infrastructural architecture, then Granites sound the best.


Granite is one of those interesting Indian natural stones found in the earth’s continental crust. Great interior and exterior infrastructural architecture, then Granites sound the best.

About Granite

Granite is one of those interesting Indian natural stones found in the earth’s continental crust. Most of the granites seem to have formed either by melting, partial melting, metamorphism of the parent rock shale, or sandstone. Granite is a coarse-grained igneous rock made of crystals and many kinds of minerals. There are known to be many types of minerals in granite some are small, some are shiny, and some have long veins of color. Some of the minor essential ingredients to name are – muscovite, biotite, amphibole, and pyroxene. The principal component present in granite is feldspar. Moreover, only rocks containing more than 20 per cent of quartz are qualified as Granites. These major minerals play an immense role in providing colors and patterns to different granites. Colors and tones like, black, brown, beige, blue, pink, green, white, red, grey, gold, purple, yellow and many other shades were covering all the colors mentioned above. Granites are popularly acknowledged as the most resistant stones. Resistant from water, scratching, staining, antibacterial possessions, and etching. It can also resist heat and fire, unlike any other natural stone. Though it holds a lot of good side to its resistant properties still this stone if sealed properly adds up to the great level of absorption Granites can also be effortlessly polished, and surface finished easily. The only precaution one needs to take when considering granite is to avoid bleaches and hard household cleaners.


NORTH Indian Granite Collection

South Indian Granite Collection

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